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Top 10 tips for Westerners traveling in Beijing

If you are a Westerner traveling to China for the first time, there may be a few Chinese customs or ways of life that you may find peculiar. Elizabeth Rabe and Kristen McAvoy, two American interns for china.org.cn, wrote their top 10 tips for westerners traveling to China after living in Beijing for 8 weeks.

Tip 10: Words to know

a. Mai dan – Check

b. Cai dan – Menu

c. Xiexie – Thank you

d. Ni hao – Hello

e. Bing – Ice

f. Shui – Water

g. Bu yao – Don't want it.

h. Learning the numbers 1 through 10 will make your daily life much easier.

Tip 9: Watch out for umbrellas

In contrast to the West's definition of beauty, the Chinese value fair skin. Hence, regardless of rain or sunshine, a typical Chinese female is equipped with an umbrella. These ornate accessories can become hazards to distracted eyes.

Tip 8: If you need a taste of the West, go to Sanlitun

Sanlitun is an area in the Chaoyang District located north east of the Forbidden City between the 2nd and 3rd rings. Although very expensive by Beijing standards, Sanlitun offers a variation of restaurants, bars and nightclubs that foreigners frequent.

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